So I went in for an interview at Starbucks last week. Not exactly my career path, but something to do while I'm looking for my next move. And they offer health insurance and free coffee!
The interview was pretty cut and dry. Obvious they were trying to gauge my temperament and if I would get there on time, be reliable, etc. She read the questions straight off a card; first time I've ever seen that before.
I felt kind of strange because, well, basically I have zero service industry experience. I have never worked in food or retail. The closest I can come to it is when I used to volunteer at the Humane Society in Boulder.
So all these questions come up like "tell me about the last time you had a complaint from a customer" and I have to answer with things like "well in my engineering job".... it was pretty obvious that this was just a stepping-stone for me. She saw right through me. Although, I think I was pretty honest by saying that I wasn't in it as a career move and the money wasn't all that important to me either. Why lie about it, when there's a good chance I could get hired somewhere else next week and have to quit? Well, not that good of a chance, but the possibility is there. It's only fair they should know what they'd be getting in to.
Needless to say, I didn't get the job. I wasn't really all that surprised; and actually not really disappointed. It would be nice to have the extra money, but I don't need it, and when I think about it, it would seriously cramp my social life, haha
So for now I just continue searching for that next great science gig. And with the holidays coming up, I'm wondering if it wouldn't be better to just put it off until after the new year, when I can really focus without too many family engagements. Ah, procrastination...